
We apologize for the lack of information on our website. The host lost our info so we are rebuilding the website.

Under Calendar you will find

  • The Sunday Worship information and links
  • The Rector's Weekly Office Schedule

Under Schedule & Events you will find the daily schedule of all events at St. Mark's.

To join either worship services or Adult Faith Formation via zoom, please refer to the Weekly Schedule on the right hand side of this page and click on the appropriate link.

 St. Mark's Episcopal Church,

We serve the people of Plainfield, Indiana, Hendricks County and all surrounding communities.

We are a parish filled with individuals from all walks of life, friendly people growing in faith, community and service.  

Worship is rooted in tradition and complimented with contemporary music and liturgy.

Come and see.  Contribute and take part in worship, faith formation, community action and social gathering.

Wherever you are on your spiritual journey - doubting, full-of-faith, or in between

you are welcome here.


St. Mark's Identity Statement

St. Marks is a welcoming child-friendly congregation based on traditional worship with an acceptance of all.

St. Marks experiences forgiveness and reconciliation with God and others, through the sacraments including Eucharist.

St. Marks is rooted in Gods call to feed and clothe those in need, while we strive to live out our Baptismal Covenant.