Our Present and Future Church - Resources


Acts 8 Moment - acts8moment.org - Praying for and reimagining The Episcopal Church. Site offers information, inspiration and community for using the Acts 8 model to help discern a new way forward.

ECF Vital Practices - ecfvp.org- offers vestry members and other people of faith, resources and tools to respond to the changing needs of the Church. Vital Practices explores new ways of supporting congregations by building online communities of Episcopalians who share their stories, experiences, and best practices, who learn from one another, and who discover support to help sustain their leadership and their ministries. It includes articles by experts and peers, blogs for sharing ideas about faith and leadership, stories about real life lessons of change and leadership, tools for stewardship, communications, and opportunities for you to share your stories and examples.

12 Marks of Healthy Church Behavior - epicenter.org - explanation of 12 key characteristics of healthy churches. Includes link to assessment worksheet.

The Living Church - livingchurch.org - Serving the One Body of Christ. Offers news, insights and resource focused on the cause of Christian unity.

A Good and Joyful Thing - goodandjoyfulthing.blogspot.com - Blog of Susan Brown Snook: Episcopal priest, mom, wife, observer of life, church and people. Vicar and church planter of The Episcopal Church of the Nativity, Phoenix, Arizona. Founding voice in the Acts 8 Moment.