Electronic Giving Options Available
Can you make pledge payments or special contributions electronically. The answer is Yes!
Bill Pay through your bank: Several members of St. Mark's use this method currently - through their bank's online Bill Pay service, they just set St. Mark's up as a payee and scheduled monthly or one-time payments to St. Mark's. Once it's set up, you may update or change your giving at any time. This method allows 100% of your gift to support the ministries of St. Mark's because there are no processing fees. Any special instructions about your donation (Lion Cubs, Lion’s Den, Capital Fund, Altar Guild, etc.) can be noted in the memo line on the bill payment input screen. Payments will come to us in the mail in the form of a check according to the payment date that you authorized. Your donation will be processed and recorded in the usual manner.
PayPal: We also accept donations via the PayPal link on our website. This method is an easy way to use a credit or debit card but please know that PayPal will deduct a service fee of approximately 3% of your donation amount. Regardless of the method, you'll still receive your annual giving statements from the church.
Please contact treasurer Lara Dreyer at stmarkstreas@att.net if you have questions or suggestions.
Thank you all for your support of the mission and ministries of St. Mark's.