

  St. Mark's Episcopal Church is called to servanthood by proclaiming God's grace through worship and service, fellowship and study.  Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we strive to nourish, clothe and shelter others in our community as ministers of Christ's reconciliation and love.
  If you're thinking about visiting us, please do. We'd love to have you. The St. Mark's Visitor's Guide is available here on the site for you to browse. We hope it will help you feel comfortable from the very beginning.

St. Mark's is a Welcoming Congregation - we accept people as they are and respect each other's views.

All baptized persons are welcome to receive communion at St. Mark's.

In the Episcopal Church USA, previous marital status is not an impediment to any of the sacraments.  You may receive communion and become a member of the church regardless of previous divorce or remarriage.