Bible Study / Lectionary Resources


The Lectionary Page - - Full text lectionary readings for Sundays and special services.

The Daily Office - - The Mission of St. Clare: A service of prayer, every day, everywhere. Online and downloadable daily office including morning and evening prayer, devotions, compline. Resources including links to current evensong and compline services and the New Zealand Prayerbook.

Biblos - - A comprehensive online bible study resource integrating maps, cross-references, translations and more.

The Text This Week - - find conveniently-organized links to a treasure of resources for study, reflection and liturgy pertaining to each week's lectionary texts - both as individual pericopes and as a group of readings within their liturgical setting -- a virtual study desk of sorts, laid out for your weekly exegetical work.

So What is a Lectionary?  - - learn about the origin, structure and use of the lectionary - our "schedule of readings" on this helpful site.  Other topics include church terms, colors of the year, clergy clothing and essays on the Christian life.